Tag Archives: Bio

Hello World!

Yes, this is my first foray into official blogger word. Partly thanks to DPI-659 at HKS making it a requirement. This blog will serve as the placeholder for my macro thoughts on everything ranging from Science, Technology, and Policy and everything in between.

My professional bio and resume can be found here on my LinkedIn page.

My personal bio is below:
I am currently a graduate student at MIT (SDM) and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (MPA). I am interested in exploring the science of collective action and how technological tools can enable broader civic engagement for the collective social good of the society.

In technical terms, I experiment with crowdsourcing tools and techniques to gauge their efficacy and determine how they can be used for more data driven policy design and strengthening democratic apparatus. To do this, I do most of my technical research at the MIT Media Lab and explore policy implications at the Harvard Kennedy School.
